Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mero Maya (Audio) by Bipul Chettri

Album Maya

Album Maya

Mero Maya is a Nepali lok pop song by Bipul Chettri from album “MAYA”. The song has Pranai Gurung on guitars, Prabir Sekhri on keys/melodica, Reuben Narain on drums, Rahul Rai on bass and Kiran Nepali on sarangi.

The song is written, composed and arranged by Bipul Chettri. The Innovative, energetic and multidimensional young singer Bipul Chettri has contributed his voice in lots of Nepali Songs with Lok pop genre. Bipul Chettri is originally from India(Darjeeling). Bipul Chettri has described how much he loves her. Album Cover Layout & Design is contributed by Nima D.T. Namchu & Sidhu Gurdev whereas the official album partner is Honda Nepal. Give a listen to this song, I am sure you will keep repeating it.

The music video is released officially online byBipul Chettri via YouTube. Hope that you will enjoy this melodious lok pop song Mero Maya.

Here is the lyrics for Mero Maya:

Din pani mero maya
Raat pani timrai nai samjhana
Mayalu lai nai samjhi ma ta
Garirahe chhu yeha kalpana
Yeti khera vaisakyo aauney ki
Naauney mero maya
Din pani dhali sakyo
Ajhai kati parkhauney
Meero maya
Laaaa haii..
Maya ko jaal maa
Fasye ni hai
laaa haii..
Herdai Herdai
Yo yowana dhali sakio

Laijaula malai timi sagai nai
Sahara maa mero maya
Motor maa chadera ma
Jane chuu timme sangai mero maya
Din pani mero maya
Raat pani timrai nai samjhana
Mayalu lai samjhi ma ta
Garirahe chhu yeha kalpana
laaaa haii…
Maya ko jaal maa
Fasyo ni hai
laaa haii…
Herdai Herdai
Yo yowana dhali sakyo

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